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Alex is the founder of 9Kilo Moving, which he started to help people easily find and choose the right moving company to make their move as stress-free and seamless as possible. He has spent over 20 years working in the moving industry, so he knows every aspect of the business and uses his knowledge to write about the industry and give moving advice. More on about us page

The state of Colorado is known for having a super active community. You’re also closer to the mountains and have the opportunity to take advantage of a steady job market. We’d like to mention that the city of Flagler is offering free land and like you would expect, there’s a clause to it. You can apply to get free land but must be in agreement to build an industry or run a business on the land.

The main goal with this initiative is to liven the economic health of this city. Just a heads up that the city doesn’t have much going for it, the population was at 549 in 2019. But the pro is that it lies in close proximity to the city of Denver which is doing great for a mid-size city. You can always plug into Denver for modern amenities and tune off in the city of Flagler for a completely contrasting lifestyle.

Upside – You get free land to run your dream business or industry. You also get to help build the health of the economic conditions in Flagler.